If students want, they can write a bonus assingment about a book, movie or a video game which will add a bonus up to 10 point to their final exam mark. The review will be graded out of 10 and the points will be added to their final exam.

Reviews can only be from the list given below. They can choose either a novel, movie or the video game given in the lists. It is students’ responsibility to acquire one of these works.

Review could be up to 1000 words and must include and introduction, body and conclusion parts and must be written with a critical perspective. If the review is not argumentative and only summarizes the work, it will not be graded. Please do not forget to write your name, student no and a title for your review. The file can be sent as a .docx, .odt or .pdf file.

Review must be uploaded by 15 May 2022 to LMS assignment module. After this date, no assignment will be accepted.

Movie List

Novel List

Video Game