๐Ÿ“’ Course Description

Following the discussions made in our preceding course, which covered Turkish Politics until 1960, this course will provide a critical introduction to the political life in Turkey from the 1960 to current Turkish politics. Various political groups, movements, and parties emerged after the adoption of the 1961 Constitution and diversified the political discussions in Turkey's public discourse. Since then, despite the diversification in democratic forces, Turkey was caught up in military interventions in almost every decade. Turkey managed to revert to representative democracy every time after military control, albeit with more authoritarian versions. In this course, we will not only analyze the political aspects of these developments, but also their socio-economic origins up until today.

๐Ÿ— Course Objectives

<aside> ๐Ÿ“Œ After taking this course, students are expected:


๐Ÿ“ Instructional Procedures

All the lectures will be conducted via online meetings. The lecturer will deliver the contents of the topic in two sessions every week, separated by a short break. Students are highly encouraged to ask and answer questions, and make comments during the classes. The lecturer will make use of videos, simulations and role playing to improve the interactivity in the lectures and transform them into a mutual exchange of knowledge and opinions.

๐Ÿ“ฌ Communication with the Lecturer

If you need to discuss any matters related to the course or any other academic matter, do not hesitate to contact the lecturer by sending an email. You could also send a STIX message to the lecturer but it could take a few days to respond to your messages, as the lecturer will be quite busy during the semester. If you need to talk to the lecturer, it is also possible to make an online appointment by clicking here. Using this link, you could see the availability of the lecturer and choose the date and time that is suitable for you and then fill out your personal information. If there is a specific topic that you would like to talk about, please write it down in the form. After you submit it, a Microsoft Teams meeting link will be sent to your email and you can have an online meeting with the lecturer at the designated date and time.

Before making any inquiry, please do not forget to consult this syllabus, as seen in the comic below ๐Ÿ˜Š


๐Ÿฏ Teaching Philosophy

It is my philosophy that lecturers should not dictate their own opinions and thoughts to students and inspire students to learn the necessary information by themselves. lecturers must provide them a healthy environment to turn such information into knowledge. The students should be aware of the fact that merely listening to the lectures and studying their class notes just before the exams may be barely enough to pass the course but it wonโ€™t be enough to develop themselves to be knowledgeable persons, ready for postgraduation. Therefore they should finish the required readings and watch the multimedia sources and if needed, they should do their own research about related topics.

๐Ÿง  Mid-Term and Final Examinations

The exams will be essayโ€“type and open ended. The students will be responsible for both course materials and class notes. There will be no fill in the blanks, true or false, or multiple choice type of questions. The detailed information about the exams will be given during the lectures the week before the exam. Mid-Term exam will determine 20% of your total grade and final exam will determine 80% of your total grade.